Header Attribution

The header photo is a wall in the Depot Art District in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Shape of What Remains


You know how, when you close your eyes, you get that after-image on the inside of your eyelids of whatever you were just looking at?

That's what this empty sign is like.

At one time, something was advertised there.  Some neon beacon drew the eye and let onlookers know what they would find in the business nearby.

Now, nothing. I cannot even guess from the shape of what remains what business was being advertised.

One hopes never to become an empty sign; but that the lights will keep on shining so all can see what is burning inside one's heart.

Too much?

Taken December 2018.


  1. This sign must have been neon at one time. Perhaps it was a cafe?

    1. Could very well be. It's a mystery... although I guess a little research could probably reveal what it was.

  2. Really great picture! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I have noticed at night I see a white oval once I close my eyes. Probably the last light I saw. Yes the sign is that kind of image, nothing real, just an image.
