Header Attribution

The header photo is a wall in the Depot Art District in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Club One Neon


This casino has been operating in downtown Fresno for years. 

Recently it moved to another location, but it is still going strong.

I've never been inside it, though.

Taken 18 December 2018.


  1. That is a fine looking casino sign, but casinos hold no attraction for either of us. Here in South Dakota casinos benefit local Indian tribes.

    1. Yes, I would venture to say all of the casinos in California (of which there are many, many nowadays) are for profit to the First Nations tribes, including this one here in Fresno. It is a bit unusual to have one right in town like this, though. I have my opinions about this method of generating revenue, but I generally just "live and let live" - not convinced there is anything I can really do about it.

  2. I have walked in and out of several casinos. Even left some quarters. I would bet there are many who go in wish they had never entered the doors. OUCH
    Good shot though. We are back on the road Southern Georgia now. (that is Georgia USA!)
