Header Attribution

The header photo is a wall in the Depot Art District in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Saturday, November 20, 2021


I took this first photo on 14 October 2018.
This church (Bethel Evangelical Lutheran) is more or less on my way to work.
I would see it every morning about a block off of my accustomed route.
The brickwork caught my attention.

I took these next two photos on 22 March 2021.
I thought the ambient light and the color of the sky were good, and I wanted to get a closer shot of the bricks above the door and above the stained glass window.


  1. I can see why that would catch your eye. I have been in and around masonry all my life. Even had an expert of experts in my family, but I have never seen lines used like that. It sure catches the eye.
    Sherry & jack, smiling, remembering....

  2. Fine looking brick church showing a brick layer's art.
