Header Attribution

The header photo is a wall in the Depot Art District in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Tied Is High

A few of my ties from the re-tie-red category.
Can't quite decide if this is fascinating, boring, or nauseating!
Some of these ties are older than my children.
Fashion history - good, bad, and ugh-really?

The obedient Canon PowerShot A590 did not protest.


  1. oh this vision is wonderfull, a very good idea, full of colors

  2. There were times when I owned a closet full of ties. No more. Heh, heh! Oh, I still have a couple somewhere in case of a wedding or a funeral... :-)

  3. I would catagorize them as archeological specimins.

  4. kiva idea! kaikki vanha on pian eksoottista ja ehkä kohta taas muotia, hih:)) ei tiedä, onhan nyt retro ja gootti muotia. pian on naisilla arkimekko maahan asti. odotan se on hienoa. terveisiä Finnland
