Header Attribution

The header photo is a wall in the Depot Art District in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wet Leaves

Without getting too lost in the actual details of this picture,
take in the textures, the lines, the sense of movement even though the subjects are still,
the subtle play of the light on the dampness of the leaves.
It's like one of those paintings where if you stare at it long enough
you can see other hidden, subliminal images.

Or maybe it's the fact that I'm listening to Louie Prima sing "Piccolina Lena" while I'm typing this...


  1. Syksyn kuolevissa lehdissä on aina jotain koskettavaa, lapset leikkivät lehtikasoissa aikuiset lakaisevat sivuun. Puiden lehdet ravitsevat maan ja uusi verso saa voimaa.
    Minun koti pihalla on yksi metri lunta, ja lehdet lumen peitossa, talitiaiset syövät punaisia pihlajan marjoja puista.

  2. Katherine, thank you for your comments. Is this Finnish? I am hoping your English is OK. Online translators do not do so well.
