Header Attribution

The header photo is a wall in the Depot Art District in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Fabric Pattern #12

This is a deceptively simple pattern of repeating rectangles.
It manages to be soothing and unagressive,
but yet eye-catching and interesting at the same time.
The alternating shades of gray and brown
are presented in complementary tones
that are only a couple of degrees away
from blending seamlessly into each other.
The tweed-like texture
lends an atmosphere of classic, all-business integrity
while simultaneously hinting at the comfort and style
of one of grandma's handmade quilts.
It is both formal and familiar.

Taken 16 November 2010, Washington, DC.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

It's A Sign

It's just a simple sign;
the only adornment on 
a big white stucco wall.
Who knows how many people
drive past it every day
and don't invest the tiniest
slice of time or ounce of energy
in taking notice, much less truly appreciating
the artistry and craftsmanship
that went into creating it
and installing it?
Like the people in our lives;
how often do we take a moment
to consider the factors,
the circumstances,
the successes and failures
and near-hits,
the dreams, hopes, ambitions,
that have made a person
who they are?
Affirm someone today
with a smile, a helping hand,
a word of encouragement.

Taken 7 October 2011.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Harbor Illusion

This cluster of boats at anchor
in the Monterey Harbor
makes an appealing composition
in itself,
and they disguise the fact
that the Coast Guard Pier
cuts a horizontal line
through the middle of the photo.
But almost dead center in the frame
is a transport vehicle
that at first glance 
seems out of place.

Taken 30 September 2011.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Stunning 'Shroom!

Can't put a name to this amazing
hunk of mushroom,
but it is truly remarkable
and eye-catching.

Taken 30 September 2011.